Resource Center

Explore resources from Know Diabetes by Heart to help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their risk for CVD.

Most people would curl up in a little ball, but not her,” said her husband, Joe, who also lives with type 2 diabetes and has heart issues. “Jane’s a fighter.”
Managing Your Diabetes Starts With Education
If you have type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Services will help you live well and navigate your direction, know-how, resources and support you need to succeed.
Type 2 Diabetes and Cholesterol – Spanish
Las personas con diabetes tienden a presentar niveles más bajos de colesterol “bueno” (HDL) y más altos de colesterol “malo” (LDL), lo que aumenta el riesgo de que sufran enfermedades cardíacas y ataques o derrames cerebrales. Lo que comes puede afectar tu colesterol.
Cooking for Everyone’s Preferences and Dietary Needs
Being a role model for healthy eating can be hard, but by offering a variety of healthier options, you are giving your family and guests opportunities to make healthier choices.
Preparing Healthy Meals for the Whole Family
Give these tips a try and healthy eating can be a family affair.
Tips for Traveling with Diabetes
The distance of your travel, length of time you will be gone and country you are visiting can all make a difference in your plans. Here are a few examples and tips for navigating.
7 Tips to Care for Your Heart When You Have Type 2 Diabetes
Add these seven tips to your self-care checklist to care for your heart and body to make all of your efforts count even more.